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Can Taking Vitamin D Ensure Dental Implant Success?

July 30, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmiles @ 5:26 pm
a person holding up a Vitamin D tablet

With so many benefits to offer, dental implants are an increasingly popular choice for patients looking to address tooth loss. Because this procedure involves the osseointegration of the dental implant posts with the jawbone that they’re placed in, it’s crucial to take excellent care of your body and mouth following your placement surgery.

To ensure the best treatment outcomes, some studies even show that taking Vitamin D can be beneficial, especially for patients with deficiencies. Read on to learn more about the correlation between dental implant success and Vitamin D.

What is Vitamin D Good For?

Vitamin D is crucial, especially for those aging or affected by conditions like joint problems, bone loss, or past injuries to bones or joints. The National Institutes of Health recommend that people up to age 70 receive 600 IUs of Vitamin D each day, while those over 70 should receive 800 IUs. In addition to bone health and support, Vitamin D has been shown to positively impact mood and energy as well as the immune system, helping protect the body against infections and serious conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.

How Can Vitamin D Help Dental Implant Success?

There are two key concerns when assessing someone’s candidacy for dental implants: jawbone density and their medical history related to their immune system. This is because one of the most important parts of the process is osseointegration, which is when the dental implants fuse with the jawbone over the following three to six months after they’re placed. Without enough density for them to fuse with, or with a weakened immune system, patients can be at a higher risk of post-operative infections and dental implant failure.

For patients who are deficient in Vitamin D, or those who just want to help their bodies out however they can, supplementing their intake of Vitamin D can help by supporting their immune system and bone health by increasing calcium absorption.

What are the Best Ways to Get More Vitamin D?

The great thing about Vitamin D is that you can supplement your intake in a number of ways. Whether you opt to take tablets that you can get from your local pharmacy or department store, or you make an effort to spend 20 minutes a day outside, the choice is yours. Just be sure to wear sunscreen and avoid staying outside in peak hours on very hot and sunny days. You can also have your Vitamin D tested by your primary care physician if you’re concerned about deficiencies.

A successful dental implant procedure can be life-changing. By taking a few extra precautions to ensure your treatment’s success, like by taking Vitamin D every day or spending a little extra time in the sun, you can help support your immune system and jawbone as they do the hard work of integrating your new teeth into your life.

About the Author

Dr. Arrechea has over two decades of experience practicing dentistry. Her extensive training and ample experience allows her to offer a wide range of dental services in-house, including dental implants. She partners with local implant specialists and helps ensure successful results by working closely with her patients. For questions about the process or to schedule a consultation, visit Daily Smiles Dental Dallas’ website or call 214-233-9460.

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