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Daily Smiles Dental Dallas Blog

4 Reasons Why Summer is the Best Time to Get Dental Implants

July 16, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmiles @ 8:29 pm
a group of friends taking a selfie together while getting drinks at a local restaurant

Summertime is here, which means you’ll likely be spending time with friends and family on the beach and taking countless pictures to serve as fond memories years down the road. In any case, the last problem that you need to be facing during the summer is a gap in your smile. Not only can this cause your confidence to decline, convincing yourself you need to hide your smile in every photograph that’s taken, but it can also pose some difficulties when it comes to enjoying summertime delights. Read on to learn about four reasons why summer is the best time of year to invest in dental implants.


3 Signs of Dehydration That Could Impact Your Oral Health

July 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmiles @ 3:31 pm
a person drinking water beneath the summer sun

Dehydration isn’t good for any part of your body, and with the summer sun beating down on you each time you go outside, it’s important to know how to take proper care of your body to keep yourself from becoming dehydrated. Many people aren’t aware that some of the first signs of this problem arise in the mouth and can even impact your oral health by increasing your risk of oral infections or cavities. By staying hydrated with water when you go on summer vacations, hikes, or the lake, you’ll be able to care for your physical and oral wellness. Read on to learn three signs that it’s time to guzzle down water because you could be getting dehydrated.


5 Oral Problems That Can Arise from Swimming

June 29, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmiles @ 3:43 pm
a person floating in a pool and smiling

Summertime is here, which means you’ll likely be basking in the sun’s rays and swimming at your local community pool with your little ones. Just like how you put on sunscreen every time you go swimming to protect your skin, it’s also a good idea to consider the risks of taking routine dips in chlorinated water. Read on to learn more about how swimming can lead to certain oral health issues and what you can do to stop them.


Protect Your Child’s Smile from These Summer Activities & Treats

May 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmiles @ 2:54 pm
children playing with bubbles outside

As a parent, you’re likely always wondering how you can keep your little one healthy and safe, and this summer is no different. The constant sunshine, warm weather, and break from school are just a few of countless reasons that your child will want to go outside and enjoy iconic seasonal treats and activities, like flag football and delicious popsicles and refreshing sports drinks. However, in order to keep their smile cavity-free and avoid a trip to the emergency dentist, it’s a good idea to take a few precautionary measures. Read on to learn how to protect your child’s smile while they’re getting the most out of the summer rays.


Allergy Season’s in Full-Swing, But How Will it Affect Your Oral Health?

April 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmiles @ 3:36 pm
an animation of a nose breathing in pollen

People who have seasonal allergies understand how rough this time of year can be. Sniffling noses, sore throats, and uncomfortable sinus pressure and mucus build-up can have a drastic effect on your daily life. However, one additional threat of seasonal allergies that many people don’t know about is the impact that it can have on their oral health. Read on to learn how certain seasonal allergy symptoms can cause a domino effect that can attack your oral health.


Why is Tooth Enamel So Important?

March 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmiles @ 4:22 pm
a person holding their hands over a model of a tooth to signify that they're protecting the enamel

The substance that makes your teeth look white and shiny is called enamel, but it does more than make your smile look great. Dentists place so much emphasis on enamel preservation throughout your life because it helps protect your teeth from some of the most common oral health problems, like cavities. Without it, your pearly whites are virtually defenseless against the threat of harmful oral bacteria. Read on to learn about why your enamel is so important and how you can get it to last a lifetime.


How Does Beer Affect Your Oral Health?

March 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmiles @ 1:35 pm
a flight of craft beers with a bowl of bar snack mix next to it

Each time you put down a cold pint, you’re simultaneously doing something good and bad for your oral health. With craft beer culture becoming a huge hit, countless people have begun enjoying one or more beers a day, trying to find the brew that rivals all others. If you love a cold beer and enjoy hopping from brewery to brewery, there are some things you should keep in mind, like how your hobby is impacting your oral health. Read on to learn how beer can affect your teeth and what preventive measures you can take.


Myth or Fact: Teeth Whitening Edition

February 25, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmiles @ 8:22 pm
a person touching blocks spelling out "fake" and "fact"

Teeth whitening is one of the most common cosmetic dental treatments because it offers fast and trusted results, but there are so many rumors out there that say otherwise, it’s hard to tell who to believe! If you’re wondering how to separate fact from fiction, look no further. Below, you can find some of the most common statements made about this cosmetic procedure, but can you guess whether these statements are true or not?


Is it Possible to Get Cavities with Veneers?

January 25, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmiles @ 8:27 pm
cosmetic dentist putting porcelain veneers on a person's tooth

Porcelain veneers can enhance your smile and boost your confidence by fixing dental damage, misalignment, and closing gaps between teeth. However, if you aren’t sure how maintaining your veneers properly works, it could cause you to develop some issues, like developing a cavity underneath one of them. Read on to learn what problems you could face if you aren’t diligent about maintaining your oral health with veneers.


The Most Underrated New Year’s Resolution: Flossing Your Teeth Every Day

December 30, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmiles @ 4:46 pm
an up-close view of a person flossing their teeth

The New Year is just a few days away, which means that it’s a good time to start making a list of resolutions you’d like to make to improve your quality of life, happiness, and overall wellbeing . One easy New Year’s resolution you can make that can do all of these things is committing to flossing your teeth every day. Even though it sounds so simple, you’d be surprised at how few people are diligent about doing this oral hygiene task. Read on to learn how flossing can impact your smile and how you can remember to floss every day.

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